Tuesday, 29 June 2010

No longer a virgin

The weather was a bit non beekeeping friendly this morning, windy, damp and cool so I wasn't sure the inspection scheduled on a couple of the Rooney's sites would take place. It turned out absolutely gorgeous around lunch time so the session was on. Leaving Jim at home it was just Maureen and myself so all girls together (apart from the odd drone) You'd think there would be an element of solidarity wouldn't you. Nothing of the sort! We carried out the inspections, swapped some frames and boxes about, checked for signs of new queens laying. All in all we checked out 12 hives. We also checked out the varroa boards we put in last week. Some had little sign, some of the weaker colonies were a bit bad but not critical.
So that was that, we packed up the gear. One little lass had been bombing my veil for the last 5 minutes in the apiary, she followed me out, still going at my head, I walked up the field, hoping she'd get bored which she seemed to after a few yards. Thinking I was safe, I ambled back to the car to desuit and get some water. There I was, minding me own beeswax and she came at me, I swear she came out of the sun, directly at my eyebrow. Buzz, bang ow f##king ow! First sting, on the eyebrow, what are the chances?

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