Saturday, 3 July 2010

Nothing to report

Spent a good three hours at the allotment this morning, looked in on the bees, they are still doing whatever it is they are doing inside the hive. A small clump were in the feeder but still not guzzling the syrup. It is beginning to get a bit mouldy around the bit that's exposed to the air so may whip it out at some point soon, give it a good clean, recharge it and replace. Not sure how to get the bees out of it first though, that could be fun. May be it's better left, will ask. They are still going mad for the blackberry flowers, as the picture above shows. Yes! that's one of my little ladies, say hello!

Well as it's only been a week I shouldn't delve in too deep into the hive to have a look, I may wait for a sunny afternoon next week, get me suit on and have a very quick shifty, just to make sure they are drawing the comb at the very least. If I can spot any signs of laying, and/or spot the queen that would be a bonus but I think that'll be a goal for the following week. I still haven't got my queen spotting eye in, I even have a spot of bother spotting the ones that are clearly marked but I'm told that comes with practice, must get a pair of bifocals, that would probably help.

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